Meet Our Team

iRoof & Restoration Team
At iRoof we believe in legacy, tradition, integrity, craftsmanship, and pride in our work and our company.
Mike Dunn Sr
Mike is CEO of iRoof. With over 20 years experience in various managerial positions, Mike understands that a strong team is at the heart of successful business. Aside from his work at iRoof, also Licensed Nursing Home Administrator Dunn Health Care Consulting. He earned his M.S. from the University of Southern California and his B.S. from University of San Diego.
Mike Dunn
Founder / Acting VP Sales
Paulina Dunn
Production Manager
Sarahann Miller
Project Manager
By virtue of what makes a person native to their homeland, Sarahann was born and raised in the far Southern region of Louisiana in the small town of Sulphur. 30-miles further South and you’d quickly find the highway dead-ends in the Gulf of Mexico, which is commonly referred to as the mouth of hurricane alley. Because of her native roots down south, Sarahann was forced to learn from an early age the aspects of preparing for the unknowns while often times striving to muddle—and “manage” through the struggles her family and friends faced in the aftermath of many catastrophic events such as hurricanes, torrential flooding, and other unforeseen acts of God imposed through seasons of change by Mother Nature.
Because of these deeps roots of survival embedded in the soil and soul of determination, and having experienced many of her own struggles in her early adult life, Sarahann developed an inimitable determination to build from numerous struggles rather than simply succumb to what others said were unfathomable problems. From early childhood and onward through her years in high school, then to college, as an educator, a wife and mother, Sarahann’s mindset has always been “can’t never could do anything, but I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength!” It is because of her Christ-centered mindset that Sarahann has been gifted with a comprehensive range of knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) to manage any tasks or projects effectively and efficiently; to adapt and overcome moment-by-moment……day-by-day…….and from season-to-season; having learned from both personal—and professional experience to expect the unexpected, to always hope for the best yet remaining keenly aware the worst could happen.
A natural optimist at heart, Sarahann knows all too well that life in general can often seem like a catastrophic hail storm, even on the calmest of days. From personal experience Sarahann knows what it feels like to tuck your children in the bed following nightly bedtime stories, singing joyously “Jesus Loves Me”, and then kneeling to pray with your kids before the final goodnight hugs and kisses. Only to be awaken early the next morning to the sound of rising floodwaters seeping through doors of your home as you frantically gather the kids and are forced to leave and move to dry ground. Within 12-hours your family goes from living in a spacious 1800 square home to sharing one bedroom in the home of a gracious friend for the next week until the water recedes. Within 48-hours you’re able to return to your home only to find a water mark above 5-feet on the walls and everything your family owns has been destroyed by a flood that was never supposed to happen. The next 5-months would be equally hard as a family of four would now live in a borrowed 320 square foot RV while they strived to rebuild their home—and refurbish some of the memories tarnished by the flood.
Albeit this short segment of Sarahann’s bio may seem pungent to some, the storyline is all too common and realistic for many individuals and families who’ve struggled through similar events in which their lives were turned upside down without warning. Yet the premise here is not focused on the devastation, but rather the lessons learned and the experienced gained to manage the outcome. Likewise, the KSAs attained to analyze, design and develop programs and processes to become more effectiveness and efficient at managing project probabilities.
As Project Manager Sarahann understands the importance of planning before the storms of life come, in as much as she has the passion to quickly determine and expedite resolution to every situation. Sarahann upholds a keen ability for rapid coordination of manpower, equipment and supplies; maintains fluent communication skills in English and Spanish; and proficiently utilizes several time management processes to ensure effective and timely completion of projects and deliverables. As Project Manager Sarahann also understands the aspects of the Return On Investment (ROI) principle for the company, as well as the customer. The Project Manager must ensure that the performance by the company to complete the work contracted by the customer is measurable by efficiency of work by company employees, profitability of contractual investment by the customer with fair market compensation to the company, and comparable ongoing contractual investments for the company based on efficiency, trust and organizational experience.