Stabilize Your Maintenance Budget and Minimize Surprises
Annual or semi-annual preventative maintenance inspection including written assessment detailing the current condition of the roof, including but not limited to, flashings, copings, membranes, curbing, insulation, and decking
Digital photographs of inspected roof
Identification of current imperfections and potential roofing failures
Inspecting and ensuring proper functionality of ventilation
Gutter/scupper cleaning (during inspection)
Temporary repair of minor deficiencies with sealant (during inspection)
Maintenance repairs and documentation as needed
24-hour roof response and inspection after severe weather and/or damage
Dedicated crews specializing in warranty work and emergency repairs
Providing short term and long term maintenance budgets based on current roof condition
Air and watertight roofs for 1-15 years depending on the condition of the roof
Short-term and long-term maintenance budgets
24-hour roof response in the event of an emergency
Recoup 20% of preventative maintenance cost in the event of a re-roof
Recoup 100% of preventative maintenance cost in the event of an insurance claim
Increase the bottom line by eliminating collateral building damage and incidental costs associated with leaky roofs